Friday 9 August 2013

Getting my feet wet

I love to write and I have been asked to write and for a long time I just haven't written anything besides some letters to my babies.  After my MSW degree it was like I had to just stop writing and reading for a while!!!

I'm not even sure what it is I should write about so this is my first "blog" entry just getting my feet wet, well maybe even just my toes today:) 

I often have a lot of things on my mind but for one reason or another I keep it to myself or the thought simply vanishes.  I have difficulty sleeping or at least falling asleep, it seems as though my mind does not have an off switch so  maybe this process will help download all the things up in there!

I can't imagine anyone actually reading my blog to be honest.  Maybe my Mom lol, she's always telling me to write down all the funny things our children say or do, which is true I do need to write more of that stuff down, but I think there are a lot of other things that need to be written, need to be shared.  Topics that I'm passionate about are family, relationships, faith, love, parenting, Jesus, my husband and my children top the list.  I am also an animal lover and mostly a horse fanatic, though I am currently horseless, the first love of my life Ebony Winger went to heaven in 2007 (hey that rhymed, lucky coincidence)

I'm now 36 and first and foremost my most important and beloved role is as wife and mother of 5, yes 5 children, all wanted, all planned and yes I have a lot of thoughts and responses to go with that lol!!! 

I'm in the process of trying to lose all the baby weight that occurs in the process of having 5 babies in 7 years!  And the baby just turned 2, so this Mama has some work to do, though I've lost 3/4 of what I have gained the last leg of this journey has been slow/stalled out frankly - stress:(

My faith and relationship with my Saviour is more important to me than anything, and I know there are many things I want to share with the world who so desperately needs to know Him.

My history is what it is, history, but it is also part of who I am and I love that.  I have embraced my past, I have done a lot of healing work around my past and because I am loved and because He loves me I have an incredible future and I can proudly share those chapters some day to share the story of His love, His grace, His forgiveness, His redemption, His hope, and even more of His love.

I love hard, I live hard, I need balance, I have a wonderful family, so many dear friends, a few really close confidants that have stood by us in all the seasons of life, I am truly blessed.

We are in a season of transition in our lives, returning to full time ministry now that we have established and completed our natural family, there is so much a head and we have so many X factors in our lives, the unknowns that force us out of our comfort zone, out of the natural and propel us into the SuperNatural, there's no place I'd rather be, even though I am far from understanding all that I see around me, I choose to look up rather than around!!!

So there we go entry 1 or maybe 1 or more, but I have a feeling I'll be just diving in!!!

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